On The Ferry

 Departed Haines this morning about 0900 fir a three day ride to Bellingham, WA. At Juneau now, about a one hour stop.

Weather is cloudy and cool, scenery is dramatic. Funny how long it's been since I have been on a boat. Good sailing so far.

Food is ok. 


  1. Well, this looks good, you can kick back and take it easy for a couple of days. (Fatback it)

  2. Keith Shedron04:30

    The changes ended up being for the better. Denali Park was great, Denali Highway was one of the best roads ever, Haines Road, for me, was the best road, and the ferry is a fantastic way to end the trip. Stunning scenery and pretty nice travel, even without a cabin.

  3. Anonymous07:22

    Amazing. How much did the ferry wind uo costing. I know in the beginning there was some confusion on cost.

  4. Anonymous17:15

    I bet DR will enjoy the time off! All part of the adventure!

    1. Keith Shedron21:06

      Indeed! I think we both are enjoying the time off. "All part of the game"!


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