
 Very limited net access here, will post more once we get into Alaska.

Due to weather, and our desire to remain alive, Prudhoe Bay is out. Very poor conditions there and on the Haul Road.

Our new schedule includes a ride on the Alaskan Ferry through the inside passage, back to Washington. That will be at the end of the month. 

Will post more when we get to Tok tomorrow.


  1. Sounds like a good plan!

  2. Rhonda15:25

    Knowing when to be flexible is being smart. Things don’t always go as planned and I’m sure there is disappointment, and I’m sorry to hear you had to alter it, but look at what you have done the last 2 years, amazing!

  3. Keith and Chris, your safety is overarching. Your combined experience for this type of travel is serving you well in making trip revisions. Thank you both for engaging your experience to ensure your safety. It appears this is a Romans 8:28 moment ... can't wait for His reveal of treasures in the revision! Dominus vobiscum! 💜
    P.S. Definitely what GDS snd Rhonda said! 🤗

  4. Changes in latitude, changes in attitude! Good call!

  5. Prudhoe Bay reported around freezing for lows, rain, snow, very heavy mud and high wids over 50 mph. One fellow told me yesterday, who was returning from there, told me it was a nightmare. Also reported 2 fellows that got there decided they would not ride back, so arranged to ship their bikes home and hired a pilot to fly them to Fairbanks so they could catch a flight home. Cannot imagine the cost involved.

  6. Anonymous19:44

    Wow. Do whats best to stay safe and alive. Still plenty of adventure ahead.


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